Friday, April 10, 2009

How to I transfer music FROM my iPhone to my iTunes?

kerri xcore! :
Okay well considering I am using a different computer since I last updated my iPhone with music, it will sync it, and replace my current music with all the new stuff I have. However I still want to keep my current music but I can't be bothered downloading it all because there is a lot of it. I was wondering could I possibly transfer my music from my iPhone into my iTunes library before I sync it?

cruzbonez818 :
u could try idump it works with all ipods

oshanblue :
This is not possible with the iphone as you can only sync with one computer and the iphone (unlike the ipod) does not mount itself as a USB storage device. I too have an iphone and tried to do this from a hack i found where you change the "itunes xml" text, but i have nothing but trouble.

Hopefully this problem will be cleared up in an update soon as i can see no reason for this restriction.

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